Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Un-Empathized Unfortunate Class

Feelings are abstract emotional stimulations. They are felt unexpectedly at times and always uncontrollable. They are instinctive reactions to something that you may hear, or see. Hearing of another's shortcomings or seeing another's unfortunate situation brings cognitive empathy. For instance, if you were to see a persons' home, which consisted of a shopping cart, a few belongings, and a sleeping back in between two near-attatched apartment buildings, you would have a moment of heartbrokenness, because it is disheartening to see a fellow human being suffering. Suffering or to suffer, the distinction being one is in the present, the now, the simultaneous, while the other is the past, the then, the once upon a time. But to say that the suffering is a failure of a society, or a political system, is to say that we have failed as a national human sect. Yes, some people are frustratingly lazy. These people work incredibly hard to not work. They seek unemployment when they are not seeking a job. But that is their problem. If they want to live a meaningless existence, leave a legacy of unemployed longevity, so be it. There are too many people who have tragically subjected themselves to the irrevocable addictiveness of drugs, which led them to be a drain on the economy, a non-contributable despondent mutant to society. And there are too many people who have just been unlucky. People who were unfortunate enough to be born into an economic class that was without a proper education system; That was unable to provide their children with the latest material attraction; That imposed ill will on their parents so much so that they neglected their children for the feeling of happiness that could only be derived from external alcoholic beverages; That gave their people a low likelihood of social mobility; That statistically showed that the chances of them moving up in economic class were the same as commercial expeditions taken the moral road and coming out with more substantive artistry instead of reality shows (as an example). This may be proof of a failed political society to tend to the shortfalls of capitalism. Yes, their are winners and losers in capitalism; That is what we give for societal progression and innovation, they say. But when the losers have already lost before they had a chance to win, it is unfair to a disheartening degree. 

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