Monday, August 1, 2011

Democratic Phantoms

President Obama and the democrats are amazingly bad at politics. They seem to not understand the GOP's successes as politicians . They also must not see how they do it:

The GOP consistently sticks to its talking points throughout their tenure in Congress. For instance, in pretty much every interview in the last few years every GOP affiliated congressmen invariably stated "tax-increases kill jobs, they've referred to owners as 'job creators,' and this government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem." They stick to their points and they never drift elsewhere because they understand that the American people can only take so much. Americans constantly hear that tax increases on the richest Americans will depress the economy and kill jobs. No facts needed in this strategy because a falsity that is said by an elite group of politicians becomes a factually unsupported truth in the minds of a disinterested segment of the public. Accordingly, the American public, as polls show, don't know very much about what is going on in this country. For example, most didn't know which party had control in each house after the 2010 elections. 

The Democratic Party, including President Obama, always get in the political game too late. They fail to persuade the public that they're position is the right one and come out at the last minute on all the news programs stating their reasons for why the other side is wrong and they genuinely look baffled at how their Republican counterparts are getting away with it. Well, the reason that they get away with it is because they do a better job at communicating to the public. Republican congressmen flood the airwaves of the networks throughout any major debate while the Democrats come out in the end to complain about the outcome. I just saw a Democrat on CNN a few minutes ago (who just recently must have found his balls) blasting the debt deal that was reached among Obama and House leaders. He even went so far as to say that he would condone Obama pleading the 14th amendment and unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. He said Dick Cheney would have done it. Where was this guy throughout the debate; he was awesome. But awesomely late as well. The Democratic congressmen are intelligent and rational and have the facts on their side, and in this debate the public as well, but they are horrible politicians. They must have an aversion to conformity because Democrats never unite until its too late. When will these Democratic politicians become politicians?

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